Wednesday, June 4, 2014

13 Reasons Why I am a Gay Rights Advocate (A Straight Girl's Perspective)


So with Pride vastly approaching here are 13 reasons why I support Gay Rights, Equality, and Love. I will start by saying that if you have not read a blog before I am straight and this is only my perspective and reasons behind it. So sit back and enjoy (or criticize, your choice). Oh one more important thing. These are not in chronological order or order of importance at all. Here you go.

1. My uncle-Let me explain. My uncle has been one of the single most important people in my life. When he came out to me when I was just 13 I cried because I was afraid I would never have any cousins. Part of me also cried because obviously at that point he could not get married.

2. I love, love. Yeah put simply I am allowed to love and marry whoever I want without worrying about persecution or even a hate crime.

3. Gay Clubs. If you have never been you will never see more happy, carefree people than you will see in a Straight club. (Unless of course the music starts sucking). You generally do not have to worry about alpha males trying to claim their property and turn into a bunch of knuckle heads that will throw their weight around. You generally do see drama (how could you not?) But generally not scary fights that often ends in cops being called.

4. Pride. Have you ever been? If not you are honestly missing out. It literally is like a gay club on steroids. Do us straight people ever throw a multi day festival for literally just being straight and being able to marry who we want? Nope. I go every year. It's amazing.

5. Shopping. The best fashion advice will be had on these trips. (Sometimes brutal fashion advice, but advice nonetheless).

6. Rainbow colors. They just make you happy.

7. Parties. This is slightly cliche, but weddings and parties thrown by a gay individual or planned by a group of gay individuals are usually the best ones. So creative.

8. Modern Family. Nothing like it. So happy that a show celebrates what families are becoming like nowadays.

9. Adoption. Babies need homes, gay couples should be allowed to have a family no matter how non traditional it may be. They have hearts and are capable of loving too.

10. Grossly Misrepresented group. In the Pittsburgh area. It's getting better, but generally in the Pittsburgh area you see most of the same faces at every function you may attend.

11. Theater. I know this is also cliche, but over half of the population of actors/actresses are made up of gay people. If they all went on strike Broadway would close and the world would be a much bleaker place. It would also be very boring too. (A lot of bad actors).

12. Lame Music. They have their hand in every type of music. Most of their music makes you happy and you can relate to it.

13. Drag Queens. Some of the most beautiful people that I have ever seen. They also give great makeup and clothing advice.

Hope you all enjoyed it. Now just think, the next time you go to call someone the f word or simply just gay, think about their souls that you are attacking. Don't be a bully. Encourage open communication once they are comfortable enough to come out to you. Just think how hard it would be for you to come out and say that you are something else that you had not been honest about for years or even decades. Encourage them to be themselves. Enjoy the rainbow. Love is love. Everyone should have that right.